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The relaunching of Europe


On the 16th om march the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy inaugurated the Exhibition “Ever Closer Union” concerning the historical steps made to reach the European Union. It’s a Travelling exhibition on the occasion of th 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome (1957-2017). The Exhibition shows original documents ( European Treaties, letters, newspapers a.s.o) from Ventotene to Maastricht.
Angebot beendet.
Titel:The relaunching of Europe
Start:17.03.2017, 09:39 UhrEnde:16.04.2017, 01:01 Uhr
Stichworte:European Union, Rome Treaties
Zielmedium: Blog, Fachmagazin, Fernsehen, Illustrierte, Nachrichtenmagazin, Online Newsportal, Publikumszeitschriften, Radio, Special Interest, Zeitung
Journalist:MarinoRegistriert seit:26.01.2017
PP-Ident-Nr.:T-1105Preis:70.00 Euro
Überblick:Italy’s position in the 40s was characterized by a series of supernational projects. And above all, Italy’s quest for equality was crucial. The European project was considered an opportunity by the Italian politicians. Italy would play an important role in the context of the Shuman Plan. Italian migration was a very important point for Italy: the goal of an ever closer political and social integration is an ancient point for Italy. And another essential point was the external constraint to modernize the Country. On the other side, in 1955 in Messina, Italy it seemed impossible to reach an agreement between France and Germany for an integration programme.
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Rechte: Mehrfachnutzung, Nutzung für mehrere Medien erlaubt, Zeitlich unbegrenztes Nutzungsrecht


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