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Two paintings by Daniele da Volterra in Rome


The Corsini Gallery in Rome is presenting from 16th February 2017 till 7th May 2017 two paintings by Daniele da Volterra, the Elijah in the Desert and the Madonna with Child, the Infant St. John and St. Barbara. Daniele da Volterra was the closest artist to Michelangelo in his artistic and human experience. His paintings are now mostly lost.
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Titel:Two paintings by Daniele da Volterra in Rome
Start:20.02.2017, 10:17 UhrEnde:31.03.2017, 01:01 Uhr
Stichworte:Daniele da Volterra, Michelangelo, Christinna of Sweden
Zielmedium: Blog, Fachmagazin, Fernsehen, Illustrierte, Nachrichtenmagazin, Online Newsportal, Publikumszeitschriften, Radio, Special Interest, Zeitung
Journalist:MarinoRegistriert seit:26.01.2017
PP-Ident-Nr.:T-1101Preis:50.00 Euro
Überblick:The Corsini Gallery in Rome is presenting from 16th February 2017 till 7th May 2017 two paintings by Daniele da Volterra, the Elijah in the Desert and the Madonna with Child, the Infant St. John and St. Barbara. Daniele da Volterra was the closest artist to Michelangelo in his artistic and human experience. His paintings are now mostly lost. The two rare works are universally considered masterworks. They belong to the historic collection of the Pannocchieschi d’Elci family, located in Siena and they have been seldom shown to the public. Daniele da Volterra painted them while in Rome during the reign of Pope Paul III Farnese (1534-1549) and they suggest the decisive impact on him of Michelangelo’s Last Judgment (Michelangelo arrived in Rome in 1496 when he was 21 years old). The Galleria Corsini is the only collection of paintings in Rome dating from the 1700s, unchanged since the 18th century because of a Fideicommissum. The Institution forbade heirs from alienating works of art belonging to Corsini family and as a result the whole collection was safeguarded and preserved.
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